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Finally... a provider who gives college students a break. Real material. Real quick.
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General Almost ALL malfunctions are temporary and are quickly corrected, and are tied to an email service issue. Use the service that you know will not remove attachments or send important email to spam, or works behind a company firewall. 
File won't open You must have Unzip, Adobe or MS Word on your PC(computer)preloaded.These programs are required and are free to download. Check your computer's ability to unzip, open, and read a pdf or doc file using the testdownload file. You can locate the test file at the end of this page. If the file does not open you need to correct the issue that your computer does not associate the correct software (Zip or Adobe) to open a download.
Cannot find email with link Links are sent ONLY to the email address assigned to your payment. No third party email addresses are used. Users are responsible for the email address being suitable for receiving attachments. Please ensure that if you have spam filtering that you white list the domain
Electronic devices Desktop with windows 7 and higher. We cannot guarantee Macs although they may work with additional software. Mobile devices are not recommended and are at the user's own risk.
Password not working Click on the link and SAVE your file on a single PC. If you try to download on multiple PC's , you will receive an error message. Use ONE PC only.
Mac doesnt work Mac Users may also experience password not accepted. This is a Mac issue with unzipping. The solution is to download and install the free Mac expander first
Nothing arrived via USPS or mailman Materials are delivered electronically to your computer not in the postal service. You receive a link on email which directs you to a download page.
24 hour limit passed Links are valid for 24 hours and will appear in your inbox after you complete payment. This is considered sufficient time to download.
Where is the agreement You may read the agreement here.
How do I contact you In the unlikely event you need to contact us, use a reliable email address and submit the form below. You must include the items 1 to 4 below and detail to help us quickly track your order.
When can I expect help Most times, you will receive a response within 24 hours.
Returns Once you download, you have received the software and there is no refund. This is standard practice in the industry. However, we will work to help remedy technical problems if they exist on our side. It is the users responsibility to provide the equipment and supportive materials if the decision is made to purchase electronically delivered material